
Spring Exhibition, Kunsthal Charlottenburg,København, 10.04 – 18.05

Seven drawings from the series “paper on paper” will be on show at Kunsthal Charlottenburg in April.  
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– Drawings of sound and spatiality.

Drawings of sound and spatiality in different places at different times.
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Årets sommerkurs på Frysja

Kurset ble undersøkende og lekent. Se bilder.    
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Oslo Open, 20 og 21 april

Velkommen til Oslo Open 20 – 21 april, kl 12.00 – 18.00.
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“Between the Lines and at the Frontier” a text by Anne Karin Jortveit for the exhibition “Extended Drawing”, 2011

That is the beauty of the drawing. Drawing opens our eyes and the eyes lead to our soul. What comes out is not at all what one had planned.  –   Louise Bourgeois Grasping drawing The Greek word graphé means both to write and to draw. Graphé is like a nodal point in which various forms of narration come together in a way that explains the fascinating tension between form and content in drawing as
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“Zone”, a text by Henning Mortensen for my exhibition “Zone” in 2008

Magelssen’s objects convey a physical experience, in the same way that sounds, water and wind affect our senses. Janine Magelssen has won much acclaim for her wall objects. Sensual and sensible, the works consist of tranquil, white forms that are at once sculptural, painterly and inviting to the eye. They are neither paintings nor sculptures. The term “pictures” is perhaps more appropriate to her wo
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Critique in Taz.de – “Lines on the Move” The Drawing Biennial, Norway, 2010

Von der Wand gepurzelte Linien     BIENNALE DER ZEICHNUNG In der norwegischen Kleinstadt Moss zeigt die “5. Drawing Biennial” die spielerischen neuen Wege der Zeichnung   VON JULIA GWENDOLYN SCHNEIDER In einer imposanten Inszenierung ragt ein schwarzer Stamm in der Mitte der Ausstellungshalle vom Boden quer bis zur Decke. Wie aber passt das zur 5th Drawing Biennial, die derzeit in Moss unwe
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En tekst av Ingun Bøhn, i Numer, 2010

Teksten “Tilsyntelatende Usynelig” er skrevet av Ingun Bøen for Tegnerforbundets blad; Numer i etterkant av min deltagelse på utstillingen “Apparently Invisible” i The Drawing Center, New York i 2009.
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“When Emptiness Holds Meaning”, an introduction to the art of Janine Magelssen, 2007

In the plays of the Norwegian dramatist Jon Fosse, it is in the pauses between dialogues and the empty gaps and intervals that the real meaning of the text lies hidden. In other words, what is left unsaid is often more important than what is said. In Janine Magelssen’s works we find a similar interest for what lies “between the lines”; the layer between the concrete and the abstract where the percep
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White Noise, Simplicity´s complexity

White Noise – simplicity´s complexity Janine Magelssen and Lise Bjørne usually work separately, as individual artists. They each seek inspiration from different sources and realise projects on an independent basis. As a result of a long acquaintance and fruitful conversations, the two artists have nevertheless discovered that their respective oeuvres have references in common and that their conceptual and
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